Noam Neusner
Former speechwriter—President George W. Bush
All the presidents’ men and women: 30 years of White House speechwriters
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Noam Neusner is a principal at 30 Point Communications. He has experience in speechwriting and preparation, media prep and training and strategic communications planning. Noam draws on more than two decades of communications experience in the private sector, the U.S. government and as a journalist. This knowledge, and strong writing skills, allow him to help clients shape opinion, inform the public and achieve goals. He served as President George W. Bush‘s economic and domestic policy speechwriter for nearly two years. He managed all communications and media relations for the Office of Management and Budget and twice oversaw the editing and production of the federal budget. He worked nearly a dozen years as an award-winning financial journalist at U.S. News & World Report, Bloomberg News and the Tampa Tribune. Noam co-authored or edited four books. In 2007, he was the Walter E. Hussman Sr. Scholar in business journalism at University of North Carolina. He holds a BA in writing seminars from The Johns Hopkins University. @NoamNeusner